Before medical science was able to cure the masses, most treatments comprised of natural substances and a good dose of spiritual and mystical elements. There was a far greater reliance on paranormal sources in those days than we can even imagine in our modern life. Since then we have discarded the older principles because most of them were completely useless and superstitious. However, the fact remains that once again we are witnessing an growing amount of evidence that perhaps there is a side to this world that we need to study a bit more before dismissing it entirely.
Today it is normal to find that people scoff at religion in general and so it is no surprise that any mention of paranormal or psychic abilities immediate draws mirth or contempt. People making these claims are always considered blatantly stupid and completely fraudulent because they make claims that cannot be proven. Despite all this, the fact remains that our lives are complicated and they keep getting more so causing a vast amount of humanity to seek everywhere for solutions to everyday problems that seem to make life unbearable. It might be fashionable to scoff at the paranormal but it is only human to find that some people are turning to that very thing in order to find relief. Which is where we come to the magic spells market.
Performing a search on some online market will provide the searcher with a wide assortment of options available. There are magic spells for every conceivable problem from money, love, health, to getting prettier or finding more peace. When compared to the services that these magic spells claim to provide, the prices are astonishingly cheap and it makes you wonder why there should be anyone unhappy at all on this planet when, but for the investment of a few dollars, any psychic can cure any problem.
There is no resolution to the argument of whether the magic spell actually worked of if it was just a coincidence that solved the problem when the spell was purchased but then how come there are so many coincidences involving magic spells? To those who seriously believe in the power of a magic spell, this very number of coincidences is proof positive that the spells work.
Though there are several mean through which people find relief by relying on spiritual sources, prayer is one good example, there always remains a bit of hesitation in many people when it comes to relying on the paranormal. This could be simply because of social conditions that frown upon such beliefs. However, part of the blame must go to the psychics themselves who had a few bad apples among their population whose exposure led to their collective reputations getting tarnished and the whole profession being subjected to a mass taboo.
In the end, like most such things, the opinion will not be decided through any experiment because the paranormal is not subject to the demands of science. Perhaps the most telling evidence of this is that magic spells work better for those who believe in them.